What is Ntmulti.exe?
Ntmulti.exe is a windows process file, ntmulti.exe is a part of the IBM Lotus (an advanced contact management system) product suite. Normally you can find the ntmulti.exe file in C:\Program Files\lotus\notes folder.What Are the Causes of the Ntmulti.exe Error?
The error can be caused by various reasons, generally, these situations below would easily make the computer result in the ntmulti.exe error:Ntmulti.exe file has been corrupted or deleted on the computer mistakenly.
Related registry files has been damaged or corrupted.
Windows or drivers have been out of date.
Improper program installation or removal.
Malicious spyware or virus invasion.
How to Fix Ntmulti.exe Error?
Solution One: Reinstall the Program Causing the Ntmulti.exe errorIf you know exactly the program that the ntmulti.exe error message started popping up when you installed or launch it. Attempt uninstall and reinstall the program. This is the most effective method to fix this error.
Solution Two: Remove Ntmulti.exe Virus
If you want to check whether your computer has been attacked by ntmulti.exe virus or not, open the task manager to see if the ntmulti.exe process is consuming large amounts of system resources. If the ntmulti.exe process is taking up a very large amount of system resources, this means that the ntmulti.exe virus is lurking in your system. You should remove the ntmulti.exe virus by running your antivirus program.
Solution Three: Enable Windows Auto Updates.
To enable Windows Auto Updates can help you efficiently repair ntmulti.exe error through updating the problematic ntmulti.exe file:
Step 1. Click Start, go to Control Panel.
Step 2. Enable the Windows Update utility.
Step 3. Follow the instruction to install AxtiveX and click “Install” to install Windows Update utility.
Step 4. Install all of the updates.
Step 5. Restart PC to confirm the modification.
Solution Four: Repair Registry Problems.
The Windows registry serves as one of the critical parts of Windows operating system used to store settings and options for low-level operating system components and third- party program, including kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications all get access to Windows registry. Any error or problem occur to Windows registry can bring about further complicated and dangerous system problems to your computer, such as unexpected Blue Screen of Death errors, increasing times of system freezes, software instability and system file corruption. To totally fix ntmulti.exe error, you may consider firstly repairing the registry problems firstly.
An efficient solution for ntmulti.exe error is to enable a reliable and powerful registry repair tool onto your computer. A reliable and powerful registry repair tool is equipped with professional utilities which can provide you with comprehensive solutions to safely repair corrupt registry files, totally remove undesirable registry components and fix obscure registry errors.